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Best of the Fest: Woods Hole Film Festival Shorts

The Queen's Flowers, directed by Ciara Leina'ala Lacy
A Native Hawaiian girl in 1915 Honolulu makes a special gift for the last monarch of Hawai`i.

Footprints on Katmai, directed by Max Romey
Following his Grandmother's footsteps to one of the most remote and bear-strewn beaches in Alaska, painter Max Romey discovers that an ocean of problems is closer to home than he could have imagined.

Bienvenidos a Los Angeles, directed by Lisa Cole
A Nigerian single mother living in Los Angeles offers to help a perfect stranger reunite with her son. In doing so, she learns this simple act of kindness threatens to jeopardize her path to citizenship

The Innkeeper, directed by Paudie Baggott
When a spirited eight-year-old lands the part of Innkeeper in the school nativity play, she battles her perfectionist teacher who insists that she "stick to the script."

Barely Breathing, directed by Neal Reddy and Derek Evans
Sai is guilted into moving in with his father and stepmother after nearly dying in an embarrassing autoerotic asphyxiation accident.